As a queer author, it’s important (especially right - because *POINTS AT EVERYTHING*) to promote and advocate other queer and BIPOC authors. I’m not just keen on it during February, but I like to highlight folks I’m reading throughout the year.
Queen of the Conquered by Kacen Callender is really matching my mood at the moment. Everything is bad from the jump. This isn’t about being happy and the main character is complicit in so much of her own people’s suffering because of the situation she’s been born into.
If ever you wanted to be angry for someone’s circumstances, sympathetic to their ultimate goal, and wonder if the cost is worth it — this book delivers. It’s historical fiction with a lot of un-aliving and serious GOT feels with the story centered around the Islanders and the main character, Sojourner Rose.
For some reason, I’m on a historical kick, as I also recently finished By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter and The Reanimator’s Heart by Kara Jorgensen. Both are queer historical fiction. One set in Elizabethan England and the other set in 20th century New York. Though the latter is also a paranormal romance.
This year, along with posting ratings on Goodreads, I’ll be putting recommendations on BookBub. If you’d like to follow me, the more the merrier.
Non-Human Romance!
Did the headline grab your attention? Cool! I’ve got a whole list of authors that have books on sale (including myself) until late February. They feature a wide range of fantastical characters in romantic situations. You can check out the promotion here:
Real Talk
I want to thank every last one of you for sticking with this newsletter. If you’ve read or heard any of the controversy around Substack, I can understand anyone being concerned about a creator sticking with this company given their stance on their platform moderation.
Frankly, it’s everywhere. It sucks, it’s not great to post something and have trolls come out of the woodwork.
What I’m tired of doing is attempting to rebuild my little corner of community again, and again, and again. Tried it with Twitter, and it really hasn’t worked. I’m pretty active on IG for a lot of reasons, and I’m hoping to add the clock app later this year. Basically, every move doesn’t feel like a victory, it feels like a retreat in which more spaces are gobbled up by H8ters. I’ve decided, for the time being, to stay on Substack.
My point is, if you unsubscribe from my newsletter because I’m still using Substack, I understand. I hope if you’d like to follow me, you’d maybe bookmark my website or follow me on other platforms.
I’m working on a backup, because, as I very well know, tech companies don’t last forever. If and when I switch, I’ll notify folks via my socials and the newsletter.
Super Real Talk
January has TOTALLY sucked for me (and it’s only half over!). Things around the world absolutely suck and I’m thankful for what I do have, but I have a ton of BS happening in my life right now that is making it extremely difficult to focus on editing the next Saint George novel or continue writing The Demon’s Thief (formerly titled The Thief’s Promise). I know a lot of you are on the struggle bus with me.
Right now, I’m breathing, taking one day at a time, and making plans. Just know that I want to write as much as you want to read, but priorities are a bitch.
If you could, my wonderful community, keep me going by sharing my currently published work with a friend(s). Leaving a rating, review, or recommendation on a platform somewhere. Or just comment on this newsletter and let me know something positive (it doesn’t even have to be about my writing). I could really use a dose of the positives if you have any to spare.
I’ll even leave you with a positive in return if you tag me. I’ll also leave you with my first ever fan art!
This fun piece was created for me by a local artist and close friend, Jade. Every time I see it, it makes me smile. So expect to see more of it on my socials, if for no other reason than I hope it makes other folks smile like it does for me.
Fun fact: my local book store calls me the Queer Smut Peddler. (I should get that on a shirt or something.) This art is giving those vibes and I dig it.
Be safe out there! Keep doing what you do best. Until next time — Enjoy!