Thank you everyone for sticking with me and my newsletter. I know how much inboxes can get clogged up with these things. If you follow me via other socials, thank you for that too! I appreciate it, and so do all the other indie authors out there grinding the algos.
If you’d rather have something interesting to read, check out my latest blog post.
I also have ARTS! I commissioned this not that long ago from an artist on IG - AMB! I don’t know how I’ve gone this long without Jordan art, but I finally had it made and I’m swooning. This is inspired by the moment Xavior sees Jordan at his birthday party. AMB did a great job showing off the subtle colors on Jordan’s skin. The purple for curiosity, the blush of red for attraction, orange and yellow for calm. It’s a rare moment Jordan isn’t wearing a glamour to cover his emotions.
In volume three of The Dragon’s Egg: The Saint George Chronicles, you’ll see more of this from Jordan as he feels more open to sharing that part of himself.

You can thank me for the gorgeous art by checking out all the sales and giveaways. This week, I signed myself up for a bunch of sale promos and giveaways. Why you ask? Because, I’m a sucker for a good sale, especially when I’m on a budget.
Day-after-a-holiday chocolates, oh yeah, you know what I’m talking about.
But it’s nice when the sale shows up just at the right time. SO, without further preamble, let’s get to all the fun things happening this week!
You’ll want to check out this list of non-human Valentine’s Reads. This is for all my monster fuckers out there. Bunch of great sales happening, and some best selling indies are on this list too!
If you’re looking for more freebies and other non-human romances, I’ve got a whole page of links you can check out right here.
💕 Check out this awesome Valentine’s Day giveaway! 💕 More than FIFTY gay/MM romance authors have joined forces to bring you the chance to win awesome bookish prizes including a six-month Kindle Unlimited subscription, brand-new Kindle, paperbacks, and ebook and audio code bundles!Entering is as easy as visiting, following myself and fellow authors on Amazon and BookBub, and that’s it! This giveaway runs from Feb 12 to the 16th!
Local Sighting & Giveaway
Want a chance to win some spicy dragon love? I’m donating a bag of dragon goodies for The Book Burrow’s Valentine’s Gay event. Inside the heart tote, you’ll find signed copies of volume one and volume two of The Saint George Chronicles. A Mythical Desires Universe tote, with Xav and Greg as dragons. AND the very first signed copy of Mythical Desires Universe Short Stories. Plus some bookmarks and stickers.
You’ll have to stop by The Book Burrow to enter to win. The event is on February 14th and runs from 6-9 PM. I’ll also be stopping by for a little while to give out some goodies.
If you’re a reader or an author and haven’t found the Queer Monster Sanctuary on Facebook yet, I highly recommend joining now if you are still on the platform. On Feb 14th, a whole list of authors are doing all kinds of fun games and giveaways. Me included! That day, I’ll have signed copies of The Saint George Chronicles and Dr. Mason Only Dies At Night/Death Warmed Over up for grabs. If you’re not in the US, you’ll have your pick of eBooks. Join now so you’re ready for the day of monstrous fun giveaways and games.
Next newsletter, I’ll have a cover reveal, some WIP news, and other thoughts. Thanks for reading! *SENDS THE LOVE*