Monster May I?
It’s Monster MAY! The last couple of years, it’s been my favorite month because a lot of great monster books have found their way into the world during May along with so many great blurbs and short stories.
If you follow Johannes T. Evans on Patreon or Twitter, you might see him post a month-long list of prompts. I’ve often tried to do these prompts in one month and didn’t make it beyond the first week. Maybe you want to take a crack at them?
Text of the Image:
1. The Werewolf
2. The Monster's Teeth
3. Hypnotised
4. The Cave
5. The Tentacle Beast
6. The Monster's Hide
7. Camouflaged
8. Reproduction
9. The Tundra
10. The Mermaid
11. The Monster's Wings
12. Trapped
13. The Doppelganger
14. The Underground Lake
15. The Slime
16. The Monster's Claws
17. Predator & Prey
18. Chrysalis
19. The Volcano
20. The Walking Dead
21. The Monster's Tail
22. Silence
23. The Monster's Treasure
24. The Desert
25. The Vampire
26. The Monster's Horns
27. Darkness
28. Moulting
29. The Mountain
30. The Minotaur
31. The Monster's Dick / Pussy / ?????
Speaking of Monsters - here’s another AWESOME list of Queer Monster Romances to kick off your Monster May. Use the hashtag #QueerMonsterRomance if you pick up one of these books to read or share the link. I’m hoping to make this a regular monthly feature, where you can either download freebies or find great queer monster romances in unexpected places.
Author Events
When I started my writing journey again (yes again, because life does that to you), I never thought I could write whole books. The longest I had written at any point in time was maybe 15k short story.
I’ve always loved the short story format. So when I started getting back into creative writing, I realized I had this massive idea. That massive idea spawned about 500k words across three books. When I started looking at cross-eyed, I knew I had a lot of editing and plotting to fix, but I was proud of my word-vomit. I not only wrote a book, but several books that were somewhat readable (A few friends have read these things. I love them dearly for their loyalty and encouragement).
However, you can only word-vomit so much before you start feeling like you’re not getting anywhere. My dear friend Kharma Kelley suggested I go back to short stories as a break, maybe even flash fiction. I took their advice and dove into writing a weekly flash fiction prompt about whatever that came to mind based on a website that gave prompts and word limits.
Out of that the original thoughts and ideas that later became The Saint George Chronicles, and another series that I hope will see book form soon. These flash fiction spawned into writing web serials, and from there, I refined them even more into books.
What started in 2019 as a search for a missing piece of my creative side, ended up with five published books as of this May, two in-person author events, and one online speaking engagement where I’ll be on three panels for WriteHive.
I couldn’t have done that without any of you, truly. Readers and other authors have helped me get where I am, and I’m hoping to go further.
After Prince’s Tide publishes in May, I’m going back into writing mode. (Don’t fret, if you are looking for the third book in the Saint George Chronicles, that should be out early 2024). I’m hoping to dive into the very long list of ideas I’ve had the last six months while mostly editing, and see what shakes out.
I can absolutely promise you that what comes next will have dragons, lots of sexy times, and be very queer-centric.